
Become a Fundraiser

Want to support critically ill children and their families with magical weeklong wish vacations?

You are invited to set-up a fundraiser for Give Kids The World Village and join a movement of goal-getters who are raising needed funds for critically ill children and their families.

Support GKTW by creating your individual fundraiser and participating in the race at no cost!

  • Commit to raising the $250 fundraising minimum, and the registration fee will be waived.
  • Join Give Kids The World Fundraising Team, if applicable.
    1. This will ensure your raised funds will go into your team’s basket.
    2. If you don’t choose your team, all Individual fundraisers will benefit GKTW in general.
  • Share your fundraiser on social media! #MargaritavilleRunFundraiser

Questions? Please email us at [email protected] for any help with the fundraising page setup.

Singing For Change

Fundraising Incentives

$10: Charity Runner Bib
$25: Give Kids The World Supporting Bracelet + Charity Runner Bib
$100: Give Kids The World Bandana + GKTW Supporting Bracelet + Charity Runner Bib
$250: Refund of your registration + GKTW Bandana + GKTW Supporting Bracelet + Charity Runner Bib
$500: Entry to win a 2-night free stay at Margaritaville Orlando Resort + Refund of your registration + GKTW Bandana + GKTW Supporting Bracelet + Charity Runner Bib

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